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Exploring Vojvodina. Part 2

Continue journey to Serbia, today the story of Subotica and Palić

Сербия Достопримечательности, Обзоры, Статьи по странам


The second largest city of 10600 inhabitants lies 11 km from the Hungarian border.  Its most impressive building is the Hungarian Secession style City Hall with a somewhat Antoni Gaudi look.  It was built in 1908-1912 after the project of Jakab and Komor over 16000 square meters with a 76-meter tower.
In the middle of Liberty Square (Trg Svobode) the Green Fountain made of Zsolnay (Pécs,Hungary) ceramics provides strollers with a refreshing atmosphere.
The main pedestrian street is Korzo (Promenade) lined by prestigious buildings such as « Putnik », magnificent example of Hungarian Secession style, now the seat of Piraeus Bank, and Djura Manojlovic Palace.
The seat of the bishop is the Cathedral of St Theresa of Avila (Spanish Carmelite).
The neo-Baroque former National Casino (1840) now houses the City Library.


Going 8 km east of Subotica, one reaches the charming 17-km long lake and boutique resort of Palic, celebrating this year its 170th anniversary as a relaxing destination for the aristocracy in past centuries.  The same celebration is also taking place at the same time in the Croatian Riviera resort of Opatija.
Numerous buildings are found throughout the Green Park (1840) : the Water Tower, Grand Terrace, Music Pavilion, Women’s Beach, Park and Jezero hotels,
and  Art Nouveau villas, such as the Owl’s Town (Bagolyvàr).
The Mala Gostina (Small Inn) restaurant has been in operation since 1852.
Many cultural events and festivals are organized during the year in Palic.
When in the area, wine connoiseurs should not miss a visit to the Zvonko Bogdan winery with its ultramodern equipment and enchanting vineyards.


Jacques CAMPE

Источник: 100dorog.ru

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